Saturday, November 24, 2007

Make Wine

Easy Instructions For Wine Making With Fruit

Since home wine making is an interesting hobby, many of us look for good wine making instructions to make this hobby more successful, easy and fun. Truly, whenever we think about wine making, we cannot resist thinking about grapes. But the fact is you can use other fruits as well. All you need to do is to follow simple wine making instructions, especially during the fermentation phase. Grapes are naturally complementary to the wine making process and require very little adjustment during fermentation.

Determine The Fruit Amount

In cases of grape wine, this is made from pure grape juice. But for other fruit wines, additional water is needed to dilute the juice prior to the winemaking procedure. This is mainly because of the intense flavor. Secondly, some of the fruits may be high in their acidic property, which in turn makes the wine too sharp in taste if used full strength. Examples include gooseberry and blueberry juices. So for a basic idea, you should prepare your wine with 22 pounds of pears, 16 pounds of strawberries, 14 pounds of pineapples, 15 pounds of peaches, 18 pounds of watermelon or 15 pounds of blackberries. These are measures for yielding five gallons of wine. However, these are the simple instructions for wine making; in fact, there is no single accurate measure for the quantity of the fruit to be used in wine making process.

Determine The Available Sugar

The second essential factor is to determine the available sugar in the juice and to make the required adjustments to the sugar level. A winemaking hydrometer is very useful to perform this job. It provides you all the required information regarding the sugar level in the juice including the current level of sugar, the potential of preparing alcohol and the required amount of sugar. There are actually a wide variety of sugars available in the market. You may become a little unsure which will be the best sugar for your wine.

Determine The Acidity

Proper amount of acidity is a crucial factor for wine preparation. No instructions for wine making seem to be complete without the discussion of acidity and its significance in wine preparation. Acidity is important mainly because of two reasons. It is essential to improve the character and balance of the wine produced in general and to enhance the fermentation process. Acidity largely varies between different fruits. There are essentially two ways to test acidity in a fruit juice. One is with pH testing strips and the other one is doing a titration. The former is not a very accurate way to measure acidity level; however, the later is useful to offer a better result.

Chris Jonas is a chef working in Soho, New York. Check out these great Wine Making Filters advice and articles or the more general Simple Wine Making articles and resources.

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Vintage, when it comes to wine, has a unique definition: it isn’t merely an old, classic bottle or one wearing a Guns and Roses hat and Van Halen (pre Sammy Hagar) shirt. In wine, vintage is defined as being made from a particular harvest or a specific crop. A 1989 vintage Riesling, for example, is made up of grapes from - you guessed it - 1989.

Still, not every single grape used for the wine may be from the year denoted. Like a fruit with a fake ID, some grapes from other years may sneak in. How many, however, depends on the country.

In the wine regions of Chile and South America, at least three fourths of the wine must be from the vintage year in order to bear that year on the label. In Australia, New Zealand, Europe and the United States the rule sits at 85 percent. But, the United States has an exception for wine that is from an American Viticultural Area, such as Napa Valley, the Hamptons, and the Ohio River Valley. For wine from AVA designated regions, 95 percent of the grapes must be from the same year in order to be considered vintage.

On the opposite end of the vintage spectrum are the bottles full of grapes from at least two or more years. Wines that can never be sued for ageism, nonvintages are produced by winemakers who blend a variety of grapes, and create a style that is somewhat constant with each production.

While being deemed “vintage” can go somewhat to the wine’s head, as they are found being (Cabernet) Franc about their greatness, there is some dispute as to its importance. One of the sources of dispute come from the wine’s country, or rather climate, of origin.

Wines produced in colder climate, such as Canada, Washington, and Vermont, often place a higher value on vintage wines. This is because certain years may produce certain climates. A particularly warm year in Washington, for instance, will produce a different tasting wine that a particularly chilly year. When the weather dictates both the wine’s taste, and its quality, vintage come off the bench to plays a necessary role.

Conversely, in wine producing regions where the climate does not vary, a vintage bottle might not have a grape up on its nonvintage competition. Year after year, many of the wines may taste similar. Still, this isn’t always the (wine) case.

Some wine producers, in both cold and warm climates, label wines “vintage” only when they come from a superior and excellent crop. In these instances, the definition of vintage is more fittingly “the best of the best.” This route serves to preserve the reputation of the word itself; because the term “vintage” is often thought to be synonymous with being special, wine producers don’t want to put the label on just any ol’ bottle. If that happened, we might find boxes of wine selling themselves as such.

Vintage wines are sometimes wines meant to be drunk quickly, such as any vintage of Beaujolais nouveau, which is intended to be drank within a few months of purchase (this is typically rather easy for wine lovers to achieve). But, they are more commonly wines that are meant to age. In highly tannic varieties, wines that adhere to their age gracefully reputation, vintage becomes essential: the older the wine, the better it’ll taste.

When it comes down to it, vintage isn’t a clear cut thing: sometimes it’s important, and sometimes it’s not. It really depends on what type of wine the individual wine lover is seeking. Some people prefer vintage wines, some prefer nonvintage wines, and some people, such as myself, simply prefer them all.

Jennifer Jordan is the senior editor at With a vast knowledge of wine etiquette, she writes articles on everything from how to hold a glass of wine to how to hold your hair back after too many glasses. Ultimately, she writes her articles with the intention that readers will remember wine is fun and each glass of anything fun should always be savored.